Monday, January 5, 2009

College Dropout

I haven't posted in a while, but I have been doing some soul searching. First I had finals, then I had to find a way to pay off the semester, and well I never achieved that last step, so with 3 semesters left, I will have to defer my college education for now. At first this was a little depressing, actually It still has fully sunk in, but I guess there's no point in crying over something I have no control in. It is a sad time for me, but also a time to think. To get something accomplished and to take initiative. I've looked for internships, but in this economy, none of them are paying ones, and I desperately need the money. So right now I'm thinking of running for office since you don't need a degree for that. I've actually worked in the elections office for the secretary of state before, so I know the "to do's" and requirements for running, as well as the deadlines. Just wondering If anyone has any advise or recommendations on literature I should read before running.


Unknown said...

I hope you find a way to finish college. Genius like yours should not fall by the wayside. You are the type of person college exists for. Those who seek to learn, that want to possess knowledge, and who want to grow and evolve.

JDR said...

that funny, I thought colleges existed for the purpose outrageously charging people money for an education that for the most part could otherwise be learned by reading books at the library. Capitalism at its best. I hope on finishing college, but not for the purpose of a degree, but to actually learn something useful. For now I'll just see where life takes me.

brohammas said...

nice response Good Will Hunting.
It took me about seven years to finish school and yes I only have one little bachelors.
Once I joined a large company I was astounded when people told me they paid thier own way through school only to find this actually meant they had to buy books while Daddy paiid for rent, tuition, car, and food.
I actually transfered schools to be in a bigger city with better paying jobs to finish up.

Office? What city are you in? If you run make sure you do it because you want to help and serve. If you only run to have a paying job you are just like any other self preserving politico we already have.

JDR said...

Funny if not ironic that you mention Good Will Hunting and ask what city I live in. The answer would be the same city Boston. No, I didn't attend Harvard or MIT (they rejected me), but I am taking a night class at BHCC, to bad Robin Williams doesn't actually teach there though. And that movie is very true, you can actually find any books in the BPL, I bet you could find Wealth of Nations and Common Sense in its original editions there.

JDR said...

I don't know if I will still run, It depends on some factors, I'm giving myself until June, since elections aren't until 2010. If I run, it's because I actually want fix some of the fucked up shit in this world.

Anonymous said...

JDR I don't know if you are still checking this page, but I have seen your responses on blogs. YOu better carry your ass back to school. You are a brilliant young man. We could use more socially conscious individuals like yourself. Goodluck.